We love God. We believe in God.
The Presbyterian Church of Nigeria was founded by the United Presbyterian Church of Scotland missionaries led by the Rev. Hope Masterson Waddell on the invitation of King Eyo Honesty II and King Eyamba V.
The missionaries arrived in Calabar and founded the first Presbyterian church at Creek Town in 1846. From Calabar, the church began to grow. In 1858 the Presbytery of Biafra was formed. The Synod of Biafra formed in 1921…. read more

Our Mission
To carry the gospel to all parts of Nigeria and
beyond through evangelism, discipleship,
service delivery and promotion of social
Our Vision
To be a faithful witness to the great
commission and the Lordship of Jesus Christ
under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

His Eminence, Dr. Ekpenyong N. Akpanika
Prelate of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria and Moderator of the General Assembly

Most, Rev. Dr. Miracle Ajah
Principal Clerk of The General Assembly

Rt. Rev. Aniefiok Victor Ekop
Deputy Clerk of The General Assembly
DATE: 15th July 2024
FROM: Office of the Principal Clerk
Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
Commencing from Tuesday, 15th July 2024, the clearance exercise for collecting posting letters for PCN Ministers is underway. The collection period for these posting letters will conclude on 15th September 2024. It is important to take note that any letters not collected by the specified date will be reassigned to those on the waiting list. Enclosed herewith are the guidelines for the Online Clearance exercise, thoughtfully compiled by the Department of Information and Public Affairs (DIPA) of the General Assembly. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Signed: Most Rev. Miracle Ajah, Ph.D.
Principal Clerk of the General Assembly
GSM: +2348060340312
- The Clearance Application is accessible through the Church’s website www.pcnonline.ng
- Only ministers that participated in the zoom training will have access to the application because only their information are in the application.
- Ministers who find it difficult to use the application should consult their synod/presbyteries representatives who attended the special training.
- The Department’s volunteer techs and facilitators are available for consultation – Rev. Daniel Ikenga Eke (07065272851), Mr. Mandor Peter Benbella (08100483318) and Rev. Nnoke Ibe (08037037563)
- Officers of the Department might be required to be at hand to assist the GA Office as super administrators for final clearance.
- Any minister who has not completed clearance with his/her Synod will not be cleared by the GA nor will such receive a posting letter.
- Synod Resource Ministers (SRM) who are on posting are exempted from the clearance process and they should reach out to the General Assembly for their posting letter. Before collecting the posting letters, it is mandatory for them to submit an endorsement letter from the Presbyteries to which they were attached.
- EASY STEPS TO ONLINE CLEARANCE a) First confirms your financial obligations to each GA department as published by the GA Office. Make payment into the provided account. Ensure that you pay separately to each department according to the amount owed clearly stating such in the transaction description. Obtain receipts, tellers, or printouts. b) Log on to www.pcnonline.ng. c) Go to Clearance Portal and click. d) Log in with your email address and password (which was given during your online database registration). e) Change your password if you so desire. f) Go to Levy Posting, click and upload payment receipts, tellers, or printouts according to GA departments, desks, boards, etc. g) Subsequently, posting letters will be sent via PCN mail to all individuals who have been duly cleared by all the relevant departments and approved by the Principal Clerk

The other day, The 9th Prelate of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria and the Moderator of the General Assembly, His Eminence, Ekpenyong Akpanika, PhD. in company of the Deputy Clerk, Synod moderators, Political heavy Weights, Ministers of the Gospel, Natives of Ibiono and proud members of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria received the Newly built Chapel at Use Ikot Oku, the last place Mary slessor lived before going to be with the Lord.
This chapel was built, Completed, and Furnished by the Immediate Past Dean of Commissioners in Akwa Ibom State. Dr. Glory Edet. A native of Ikpe, INI LGA of Akwa Ibom State. The outspoken politician decided to Immortalize Mary Slessor in respect of her Grand Father who had lived with Mary Slessor many years ago.
This Chapel was handed over yesterday to the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria. It was received with joy by The Prelate and Moderator of the Church. The Prelate who spoke on the topic “What Would be your Legacy” also took out time to pray for the family of Dr Glory Edet, even as he prayed that as many as that would go there to pray, God will answer them.
To God Be the Glory.
Media and Publicity Unit, DIPA

Ekpenyong Nyong Akpanika is the 6th child out of nine children of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nyong Akpanika of Ishie Town, Calabar, in Calabar Municipality of Cross River State. He was born on the 17th of June, 1962.
He attended the following Schools, Presbyterian Primary School, Ishie Town, Calabar, Independence High School, Ukana, Ikot Ekpene, in Akwa Ibom State. Federal School of Arts & Science, Sokoto, University of Calabar, Calabar, Trinity (Union) Theological College, Umuahia, Abia State, University of Lagos, Lagos and Western Theological Seminary, Holland, Michigan, U.S.A. Rev. Akpanika holds the following degrees and certificates: Bachelor’s degree in Religious Studies (B.A), Diploma in Theology, Post Graduate Diploma in Education, Master of Theology and Ph.D in Sociology of Religion with bias in Social Gerontology.
As a scholar, he has many articles and book chapters to his credit and until his election on the 15th of August 2022, he was a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Religious and Cultural Studies, University of Calabar.
As a Presbyterian Minister, he was licensed on the 7th of July, 1991 at Ishie Town PCN, by the then Calabar Presbytery and ordained a Minister of the Word and Sacrament on the 16th of August, 1992 at Apapa Presbyterian Church by the Lagos Presbytery with Synodical power. The Rev. Ekpenyong Akpanika did his probationary year at Lagos Presbyterian Church, Yaba Parish under the supervisions of Revs. Chukwu Mahi of blessed memory and then Benebo Fubara Fubara-Manuel in 1991. The Rev. Akpanika in his 31 years of ministry with the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria has pastored the following Parishes within and outside Nigeria from probationary period to date: Lagos Presbyterian Church, Yaba, Lagos as a Probationer- 1991 – 1992, Apapa Presbyterian Church of Nigeria, Lagos 1992 – 1996, Mary Slessor PCN, Port Harcourt- 1996 – 2000, Eglise Presbyterienne Du Benin, Trinity Parish, Cotonou – 2000 – 2004, the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria, Owerri Parish – 2004 – 2007,The Presbyterian Church of Nigeria, Kubwa Parish 2008 – 2011. In 2011, the Church after due process seconded him to the University of Calabar, Department of Religious and Cultural Studies and at the November GAEC meeting held at Umuahia PCN, Umuahia, Abia State, the Church officially approved and endorsed the secondment of the Rev. Ekpenyong Nyong Akpanika to the University of Calabar as a Lecturer. On the 11th of March, 2011, the Rev Ekpenyong Akpanika reported to the then Northern Calabar Presbytery and as a minister on secondment he was sent to Ediba Qua Parish PCN to assist the Minister in-Charge and was received by the Northern Calabar Presbytery on the 23rd of April, 2017 at Ediba PCN at 10a.m., where he was till his election on the 15th of August, 2022. The Rev. Akpanika as a leader held the following ministerial post in the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria: Moderator–Port Harcourt Presbytery, Moderator of the Francophone Mission Presbytery (Benin & Togo Republics), Moderator-Owerri Presbytery, Pioneer Synod Clerk, Synod of the West, Synod Clerk, Calabar Synod, Moderator – Synod of the North (covering 19 States of in Northern Nigeria). At the National level, the Rev. Akpanika was the National Coordinator, Youth Desk of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria, Secretary and Chairman Publication Department for six years. The Rev. Akpanika is a recipient of many awards including the best minister of the year by Huge Goldie Theological College, Arochukwu, Abia State, 2006, The M. Th. best student award of the year 2008 by Western Theological Seminary, Michigan, U.S.A and award of Excellence and Community Development by the Centre for Unity, Conflict Resolution and Development (CUCRD) in affiliation with the Department of Social Work, University of Calabar.
He is a fellow of the Society for Research and Academic Excellence, University of Nigeria. The Rev. Akpanika has 21 publications in International and local journals including book chapters with citations in google scholar. He has attended several conferences and workshops and presented papers within and outside the country. He is a member of the following academic and professional bodies: Nigerian Association for the Study of Religion (NASR), Nigerian Association for Biblical Studies (NABIS), Association of Christian Theologians (ACTS), Coalition of Societies for the Rights of Older Persons in Nigeria (COSROPIN). Gerontology Association of Nigeria (GERAN), African Association of Pastoral Studies and Counseling (AAPSC). He is the Founder of REVENA Pastoral Centre, a Centre dedicated to the Welfare of the Elderly Persons in Calabar. The Rev. Ekpenyong Nyong Akpanika is married to Elder Mrs. Arit Offiong Akpanika and the marriage is blessed with 4 adorable Children. As a hobby Rev. Akpanika loves reading, teaching, travelling, mission and helping the physically challenged.